At Hermes Sales, we believe that our customers deserve the very best! That’s why we take such care with every bag we create. Unlike other manufacturers who create their patterns from 1-dimensional still images of Hermes originals, at the beginning of every season we purchase new bags directly from Hermes. This allows our expert craftspeople to create copies that are exact down to the smallest details, like hand-stitching and hardware finishing. True, our process involves more time and effort than most, but your satisfaction is worth it!
We also insist on using only the highest grade of material available. You won’t find any cheap, hollow core metals on our bags. Instead, every bag is finished with solid fill, logo-engraved metal that has been especially plated to resist oxidization, so your bag will retain that “brand new” look over the years. The same is true for the leather we use. A common misconception is that AAA and A+++ represent the highest leather ratings. But that’s simply not the case. Truly exceptional, fine, top-of-the-line leather is indicated by a rating of 1:1. And while that may be good enough for our competitors’ customers, it’s not good enough for ours! Whether you choose a bag from our Standard line, featuring top grade leather from China, or from our Premium line of genuine imported leather from one of the top suppliers in Italy, one touch and you’ll understand completely the difference our commitment to quality really makes!
We strive to produce a perfect bag every time, but we have to admit we’re only human. It may happen on the very rarest occasion that one of our bags does not stand up to our stringent standards. That’s why we back up our quality promise to you with a comprehensive, 100% quality guarantee. If you are ever unsatisfied with an order for any reason, please let us know immediately! Simply return the item in its original condition within 30 days of the date you received it from our shipper, and we will refund your purchase price in full. If you prefer, we will replace the item or exchange it for another bag of your choice (if you select a higher priced item in exchange, you will be charged the difference in price). Please see our shipping and return policy for complete details for returns and exchanges.