Everything you need to know about the Hermes Evelyne collection!

Meet the collection!

The Hermes Evelyn collection is another range of fashion bags you need to consider when putting together a sophisticated look. The Evelyne collection spans three generations: Evelyne I, Evelyne II and Evelyne III. Evelyne I is also known as the first generation bags. It has no external pocket. The Evelyne II, the second generation, has an external pocket. The Evelyne III which is the third generation has an adjustable canvas strap with external pocket.


The Evelyne bag comes in four sizes namely TPM, PM, GM and TGM. It also comes in a limited range of colors. The PM bag is the medium size.

To purchase the Evelyn III in TPM, PM and GM, our online store has these three replica sizes. It is made of quality Clemency leather that has been stitched with care.


Bag Statistics

Lovers of high end fashion need to know exactly what they are buying. The statistics of the Evelyne collection is unique. The Hermes Evelyne comes in different sizes and these sizes come with their own bag components. The Evelyne III 29 bag (PM) measures 11.5″ long, 12″ high and 4″ deep. The Evelyne III 33 bag (GM) on the other hand measures 13″ long, 12″ high and 4″ deep. This bag has an adjustable strap and it can move from 36″ to 52″. The TPM (Mini) is however 16 cm.


How much is the Hermes Evelyne bag sold?

Good things don’t come cheap and the same thing can be said of this Hermes Evelyne bag. The authentic version goes for a whopping $3,750 and this is for the Evelyne III 33 bag. The bag comes in a blue color. The authentic red Evelyne III 29 bag on the other hand goes for as much as $3,375.

If you cannot afford this, all you need to do is purchase the replica. Replicas come to your rescue even if you do not have the means to do so. Replicas are affordable and of high quality. The replica Hermes Evelyne III red Clemence bag goes for as little as $208.


Our standard grade:


Our original leather grade:



Other Hermes Evelyne bag prices include the Hermes Evelyne III PM price which goes for $795 and the Hermes Evelyne III TPM price which goes for $395.


Can All Sexes be allowed to wear this bag?

This Hermes bag collection can be worn by men and women alike. It is unisex.


How to spot a fake Hermes Evelyne bag

A fake Hermes can be spotted through a number of ways.


The perforated holes used to design the Hermes logo are uneven. The authentic Hermes Evelyne is designed by special machines which makes the perforation neat tidy and the same. Sadly, this cannot be perfectly replicated by the cheap fake. However, our replica is another ball game entirely. It is as close to the original as possible and adequate care has been taken to use quality leather and look-alike designs.


– Date stamp– The date stamp also helps check the authenticity of the bag. This is something low quality Hermes Evelyne bags have not been able to capture successfully. On the authentic, you should be able to find the date stamp easily. The placement of the stamp or year code is also important.


Our replicas on the other hand currently use X (no square) or A (no square), by ramdon.


Replacement straps

For replica stores like ours, we help our customers replace their straps. Sometimes, customer may ask for a different strap, and we can custom make it for them. If you wish to order Hermes Evelyne TPM, you can always request for an alternative strap as shown in the picture below:

These straps can be adjusted to suit the body size of the wearer. The straps are made of high quality leather so you do not have to worry about it looking out of place. It can be worn across the shoulders and adjusted to suit your needs.


Bag details

When buying replicas, always go for the best. Our store has been recommended by various communities and forums who recognize us as the leading replica online store in the world. Note that not all replicas are of good quality. There are a lot of bad replicas with pockets inside, which is not what it is supposed to look like. I advise you to stay away from them if you do not want to regret your purchase.


This Hermes is also known as the H bag and it is extremely popular because of its functionality. It has a sporty casual look that appeals to a large audience. The iconic H logo is made with perforated holes and it is shaped like a saddle bag. Because of this saddle look, it is common to see these bags on the shoulders of fashion lovers who frequent rodeos or horse sports events. A couple of celebrities also wear it too. Tie a scarf to the side and your cowgirl or cowboy look is complete!




Bag Inserts

The Fourbi bag inserts work just well with the Hermes Evelyn and it is available at the moment. In the picture below, the Fourbi is placed beside the Evelyne PM. If you insert it all the way to one side, you can see there is room for other things like a small water bottle or umbrella.




The Hermes Evelyne has a version that comes with gold hardware but replicas like ours only use silver hardware.



The Hermes Evelyne bag has more than 50 different colors in Clemence & Epsom leathers. See here  for more. However, the most popular are black, etoupe, gold, blue, taupe, rose confetti, pink and rose tyrien. You can make an order for any of these colors from our store.

To buy second hand or not?

Some people will insist on authentic or pre owned Hermes Evelyne bag but the replica is way affordable and of good quality. Some stores sell second hand authentic and you can get them at auction grounds, eBay, and the deluxe mall or from those originally pre-owned. However, getting a replica will save you from the wear and tear that may be associated with the second hand grade of the authentic.

High quality replica can be gotten at At our replica factory, we study the authentic to replicate the details; something our skilled craftsmen are versed in doing. We use France imported original leather and bees wax for stitching. The bag is handmade and hand stitched with the finest Clemency leather like the authentic. We make the best replica Hermes Evelyne bag and the reviews can attest to that.

This bag is a favorite of many celebrities especially those that love riding because of its convenience for holding grooming equipment. It is practical yet stylish.

When it was launched several years ago, the bag immediately became a success and became an equivalent of a city saddle bag for urban men and women. Today, it is used for a myriad of purposes. The success of the Evelyne I called for the inclusion of Evelyne II and III. As each collection expands, more pockets are added to the bag in addition with an adjustable strap. It is also produced in more colors and sizes.

This saddle bag look alike is a must have. It is a good addition to your wardrobe. If you want to make a fashion statement, this is an effective way to do so!